Every notebook or desktop or web server is run by an Operating System - the low-level software that interacts with the hardware equipment, including peripheral devices such as a mouse or a printer, together with any apps that are currently installed on your system. Any program input through a command line or a Graphical User Interface (GUI) is processed by sending an Application Program Interface (API) request to the Operating System. On a server, each application runs within the parameters defined by the OS as well - priority, physical memory, processing time, etc. This is valid for both standard site scripts and server-side software such as a media server. If a virtual server is created on a physical one, there can be two separate Operating Systems, named guest OS and host OS, so that you will be able to set up a different software environment on the very same machine.
Multiple OS in Dedicated Hosting
The dedicated servers that we offer can be installed with as many as 3 different Operating Systems because we want to offer you more flexible packages that will permit you to install and run any type of web software whatever its system requirements. The choices are CentOS, Debian and Ubuntu and these 3 OSs are some of the most reliable and safe ones, not mentioning that they do not have any kind of license charges. All three have numerous developers who have created countless software packages that you can install and use on your web hosting server. We also offer three hosting Control Panels and which one you can use depends on the Operating System that you select when you sign up. If you need a new OS afterwards, it won't be a problem as we can always reinstall your server. With our Managed Services package we could also keep your OS secure by updating it every week with all patches which are released for it.